Of the $1.9 billion in new annual transportation funding generated by fee increases in Rebuild Illinois, approximately 67% goes to the state and 33% is divided between local governments and transit agencies, as summarized below.
Distribution of Annual Transportation Funding Between State and Local Governments

Transportation funding for the state primarily goes to the two following funds:
Road Fund: funding for IDOT administration, expenses for construction and reconstruction projects, administration for Chapters 2-10 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, and certain public transportation expenses (30 ILCS 105).
State Construction Account: funding to be used exclusively for the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of the state maintained highway system; it cannot be used to administer or operate the MFT and cannot be used to pay employees (30 ILCS 105).
In addition to the funding summarized above, the Road Fund will also receive additional money as the sales tax on motor fuels is gradually transferred from the General Revenue Fund, beginning in July 2021. See the Sales Tax on Motor Fuels page for more information.
In addition to funding for roads and bridges, Rebuild Illinois dedicates $50 million per year from the Road Fund to IDOT for alternative transportation projects, specifically for pedestrian and bicycle facilities and converting abandoned railroad corridors to trails.